Thursday, July 23, 2009

Kinley and T-Ball

This was Kinley's first year playing a sport. We cried through the first game, but by the second game we were starting to really come around. I'm not going to say that she ever loved it, but the treats and drinks after usually was the highlight of her game. She had improved by the end of the season and wasn't nearly as timid out there on the field. She may never play again, but that's okay with me.

Yellowstone and Kinley's Birthday

We decided that for our family vacation this year we would go to Island Park and Yellowstone. The last time we had been there was when I was pregnant with Kinley (5 years ago). With the boys schedules, the best time for us to go was during Kinley's birthday. We stayed at the family cabin in Island Park for four days. We had a lot of fun seeing Mesa Falls, Old Faithful and Big Springs. We also floated down Box Canyon (thanks Susie and Jeff). The boys got a round of golf in and Kinley and I chilled at the cabin and watched a couple of movies. We had a good time and Kinley loved spending her birthday with the chipmunks. It's hard to believe she's five years old and will be starting school next month. She keeps us on our toes. She is all girl through and through. She spends her days making up dances and cheers and then has to perform for all of us. Happy Birthday again Kinley. We love ya!

Waiting for Old Faithful to errupt.

Lower Mesa Falls

Going into the park.Stink Pots (this was Kinley's favorite things)

Opening presents. This is her "I got what I asked for" face.

We met up with Aunt Susie and Uncle Jeff and shared Kinley's birthday cake.Hopefully it's not five years before our next trip here.

Baseball in Montpelier

Holden's baseball team finished their season last week by playing in the Montpelier Tournament. They had a rough start, but ended up winning the Tournament in their group. They did a great job and stayed a class act all season long. Brad and Goose Theurer do a great job coaching these boys. While I'm sad that baseball is over, it also means that football is just right around the corner (10 days to be exact) which is our first love here in the Richards Family. Good job this season Holden. We are proud of you.

I think that this is when Holden got his ground rule double (I think that's what it's called). The ball diamonds at Montpelier were kind of crappy for this.

Sliding into home. And yes he was safe.Stealing home.Holden and his 1st place trophy

The Bear River Bears 10u team.

Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July

We had a great weekend in Richfield for the 4th of July. Ted and the boys golfed I think three times while we were there. We did a two mile hike in Capital Reef. Kinley was a trooper. She didn't complain once. Thank goodness for her walking stick and grandpa supplying her with water constantly. I don't have many pics of Easton & Holden because they were about a 1/2 mile ahead of me at all times. It was also time for a new Summers pic to be taken. Hopefully we are good for a couple of years now.